Sunday, December 10, 2006

blog epiphany 1

I know I'm supposed to already know this, but, sometimes revelations have to come to you in your own words to be understood. Last night I had an epiphany. I was at a party where I didn't know anyone. I was looking around comparing myself to the other women. My first reaction was one of superiority, "I bet none of these people are as smart as I am... certainly they aren't as good looking or well dressed."

And it occured to me - what the hell am I doing besides being nasty? I could be meeting new people and laughing. But instead I've chosen to sit in a corner, with the friend I came with, talking about the GSD (the military sentance they call the graduate school of design; our daily life we love to loathe). We came to this party to escape and here we are acting like the people we hate.

The only thing I can think of that is generated by preying on our collective insecurities is profit. "Buy this and you will be more beautiful." It's a one-liner; a boring, repetative hoax to float the market. It's my choice and I will resist.

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